Before my RTF 305 blog, I had made several attempts at keeping a blog. I'd gone through several iterations of basically the same thing, mainly using the posts as a creative outlet and/or a place to rant. I currently maintain a tumblr, which I don't use nearly as often as I would like.
I enjoyed using a blog for the class because the prompts let me talk about some of my favorite movies and TV shows. Twice I used Back to the Future, one time I used 30 Rock, and I've briefly mentioned other shows and movies. I really like TV and film, and I love talking about them any chance I get (hence why I'm majoring in RTF).
The only difficulties I would encounter were coming up with ideas to fit the prompt. I found Blogger pretty easy to use, so I had no technical problems.
I found the posts where we brought in our own examples of TV and film to be interesting, especially the shot language one. That one was great because I really enjoy talking about the gritty creative details and analyzing films. I found the theory posts to be less interesting, such as the one about industrial factors in the early radio industry. That was simply because I don't find that topic very interesting.
I would recommend the use of blogs in the future for RTF 305. It's a good way to keep students engaged, with short weekly writing assignments. I would also like to see it used in other classes. I definitely like blogging more that I do writing essays.
I might suggest more peer reviewing of blogs. I don't know, I would like to get the sense of community that actual blogs have. Maybe required comments on at least 3 other posts or something?
Yes, you can use my blog in a paper or report.